Divine Dog Walking is the answer to the love and care your animal needs

Kateryna Topol –

It all started with an allergy. Jer­maine Stennett grew up around cats but her now husband is al­lergic to cats, so early in their relationship they decided to fos­ter a dog.

Lola was a chihuahua in “des­perate need of a home.” An adorable but traumatized rescue dog who bounced around be­tween multiple homes and had chronic bronchitis. With all this history, Lola needed a calm and welcoming environment.

Lola immediately found peace in her new home, one could even say this was love at first sight, The industry term is a “foster fail” but in reality, it was a fami­ly win for everyone involved.

Stennett is a life coach, en­ergy healer, yoga instructor and meditation teacher, “calm is [her] superpower,” she pro­claims. Fronted by a friendly smile, her tranquil presence naturally sheds negative energy. “I’ve loved animals since I was a child and always went out of my way to make them feel com­fortable”.

Lola lived a long and full life, and at 18 they had to say good­bye. Living with a special needs animal was a learning experi­ence. It was hard to find day­care where Lola would not be surrounded by other dogs and feel safe. Divine Dog Walking was born within that need and offers niche services to dogs with special needs. Be it sepa­ration issues, old age, particular health, medication or personal­ity needs, Jermaine takes a pa­tient and tailored approach to each animal.

Jermaine Stennett, owner of Divine Dog Walking. Photo: Kateryna Topol

Among the offerings are dog walks and boarding. Stennett works from home and has cre­ated conditions where each pup can feel welcomed in every room. Only one dog is in her care at a time and the rules that apply at home carry over to the overnight stays. After getting to know the personality of each animal, she builds a routine that incorporates reiki healing when needed, and makes sure that dogs in her care experience as little stress as possible.

A recent visitor was Lilly, a pup with separation anxie­ty. “She’s a sensitive soul,” her owner said. After a short period of supervised adjustment, Lilly found comfort in this temporary home, eventually building a nest with Jermaine’s socks and shoes around her dog bed. “Some­thing I know she does at home,” Jermaine smiled.

“The dogs are getting loved while they are away from their home, and all of my love, atten­tion, and energy are dedicated to the dog in my care”.

Learn more and schedule a service at divinedogwalking.ca