- March 2025 Crossword Answers
- City Council ponders making Old City Hall into a museum
Dennis Hanagan – City staff will study the feasibility of turning Old City Hall into a museum about Toronto’s history and people, City Council decided in February. There’s also hope…
- How free parking is costing us all
Christopher Hume – Donald Shoup, the great guru of urban planning, had no illusions about the effects of parking on the human brain. “Thinking about parking,” he wrote in 2018,…
- King streetcar to detour as city eyes repairs on Church Street
Daryl Gonsalves – This February, Toronto’s transit system found itself at the mercy of two relentless forces: a true Canadian winter and drivers who could not park properly. The result?…
- City showcases new George Street Revitalization plan
Andre Bermon, In the long-drawn drama that is the George Street Revitalization project, the city is finally on its way to putting shovels in the ground. In an open house…
- Sketchy dive bars prevent violence on street corners
Fernando Restituto – If you were a drug dealer, would you want to deal on a dangerous and cold street corner – or would you want the safety and comfort…
- On Egerton Ryerson, the disinformation continues
Lynn McDonald, Op/Ed – They are still at it: more false accusations against Egerton Ryerson. A story I wrote for the bridge (April 2023) pointed out misinformation promulgated by the…
- A tribute to Karl D. Jaffary
David Crombie and Ian Morrison – We don’t often get the opportunity to acknowledge our municipal councillors for their hard work, accomplishments and service to us in elected office. But…
- Not much changes in Ontario’s ‘surprise’ election
Ariel Tozman – Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative party won its third majority government in Ontario’s snap election on February 27th. Decidedly orange voters re-elected New Democratic candidates in Toronto Centre,…